Grey Goose Altius 700ml
Grey Goose Altius 700ml
Alpine water meets sub-freezing filtration in this premium vodka, delivering a uniquely smooth taste.
Drawing inspiration from the French Alps, Altius is filtered at temperatures below the freezing point. Grey Goose Altius was created using processes that simulate natural crystallization at high altitude and in glacial conditions.
Its smooth palette is given by the water, which comes exclusively from the springs of the Alps, while the wheat used is pure winter wheat from Picardie in Provence.
- Stock: In Stock
- Reward Points: 35
Ex Tax: 156.37€
Price in reward points: 3935
Details | ||
Alcohol Vol | 40% | |
Bottle Size (lt) | 0.7 | |
Serving | ||
Serve Temp | 6 - 8 °C |
Grey Goose